Friday, July 13, 2007

Brother and Sister

Seems like Lorelei likes her little brother.

Sagen and Jessica's Dr.

Like the title says....

Sagen and his big sister.

Here is Lorelei holding Sagen.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Lorelei, Sagen and Mom

I think the title is self explanatory.

Already sucking

Here is Sagen sucking on mom's finger already.

With Mama

Here is Sagen with his Mama.

1st Picture

Here is Sagen's 1st picture out in the world.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Almost here

The day is almost here. Tomorrow Sagen will arrive and that means there will be yet another site that I don't keep up. Just Kidding. I am going to try to do better and add more to Lorelie's site too. Please forgive my previous inadequacies and hopefully I will be able to keep it up.